Who is Karl Marx?

Karl Marx was a person that was born from a progressive Jewish family. His father named Herschel, a descendant of the rabbis, although so her father tends to be a deist, who then left the Jewish religion and the switch to the official religion of Prussia, Lutheran Protestanaliran relatively liberal to become a lawyer. Herschel had changed his name to Heinrich. Herschel brother, Samuel - as well as his ancestors-is chief rabbi in Trier. Marx family is very liberal and the Marx house frequented by intellectuals and artists during the early days of Karl Marx.
Marx studied at the University of Berlin, to explore the field of history and philosophy. In the course of time that he first became acquainted with a group of anti-religious and anti-autocratic supporters German philosopher, Hegel, who would shape his thoughts.

After earning his doctorate, Marx was invited by a group of opposition political wing of Hegel to be the lead author on their paper. Marx then wrote articles against the government, and the response from the public. The paper is then pressed by the government, and even Marx tepaksa resigned.

In 1843, Marx married Jenny von Westphalen, and they moved to Paris. In Paris, he studied political economy and the history of the French revolution. In France also the Marx began his critique of religion, and build communism concept.

Until then, in 1844, Marx met Friedrich Engels, who became her best friend. In collaboration with Engels, Marx building ideas and communist revolutionary. They write together works, among which are "The Holy Family", "The German Ideology," and "The Communist Manifesto".

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